Michael, a sales analyst who lives in Chicago, recently asked me to shed some light on the various meanings of the word “due.” What a great request! It merits a blog post.

To begin with, here are some abbreviated definitions based on Merriam-Webster's entry for “due”:

As an adjective:

1 owed or owing -- 2 appropriate -- 3 adequate -- 4 capable of being attributed -- 5 payable -- 6 scheduled -- 7 expected to give birth

As a noun:

1 what rightfully belongs to someone -- 2 a debt -- 3 plural: fees

As an adverb:

1 directly 

Now, match the two parts of the sentences below, which use “due” in a variety of ways. Answers follow as complete sentences below.

1 Our firm needs to perform 

2 The invoice is 

3 The payment is 

4 To become a member of the American Medical Association, 

5 Take Highway 55 due south from St. Louis, Missouri 

6 He feels the inheritance is 

7 The train is 

8 My cousin’s second child is 

9 He received the promotion 

10 The success of the project was 

11 The membership 

12 The package arrived 

A - due to arrive at 3:00 PM.

B - dues are payable annually.

C - due upon receipt.

D - due to the efforts of the delivery team.

E - due by the end of the month.

F - due to his hard work and dedication.

G - due diligence before investing in the project.

H - his due as the eldest son, but others in the family don’t see it that way.

I - you must pay annual dues.

J - to reach Memphis, Tennessee in about four hours.

K - due to the combined efforts of the entire team.

L - due next month, but the doctor says the baby might arrive sooner!



1 Our firm needs to perform due diligence before investing in the project.

2 The invoice is due upon receipt.

3 The payment is due by the end of the month.

4 To become a member of the American Medical Association, you must pay annual dues.

5 Take Highway 55 due south from St. Louis, Missouri to reach Memphis, Tennessee in about four hours.

6 He feels the inheritance is his due as the eldest son, but others in the family don’t see it that way.

7 The train is due to arrive at 3:00 PM.

8 My cousin’s second child is due next month, but the doctor says the baby might arrive sooner!

9 He received the promotion due to his hard work and dedication.

10 The success of the project was due to the combined efforts of the entire team.

11 The membership dues are payable annually.

12 The package arrived due to the efforts of the delivery team.

Photo by Frazao Studio Latino