My sister's good friend from Spain, Catalina, said that one of the big linguistic challenges she has encountered in the U.S. is all the acronyms we use! This was a big surprise to me. I'd never thought about that before! Below are two quizzes so that you can learn -- or brush up on -- some of the weird letter combinations people in the U.S. are so fond of using.

First, here's a multiple-choice quiz on the meanings of some commonly used acronyms. Answers are below!

1. What does NASA stand for?

   a) National Aeronautics and Space Association

   b) National Aeronautics and Space Administration

   c) National Aerospace and Space Agency

2. What does SCUBA stand for?

   a) Self-Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus

   b) Submarine Containment Underwater Breather Apparatus

   c) Submerged Containment Underwater Breathing Apparatus

3. What does SPF stand for?

   a) Sun Protection Factor

   b) Skin Protection Formula

   c) Sunscreen Protection Factor

4. What does CAPTCHA stand for?

   a) Coded Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart

   b) Computer-Aided Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart

   c) Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart

5. What does AWOL stand for?

   a) Away With Official Leave

   b) Away Without Leave

   c) Absent Without Leave

6. What does YOLO stand for?

   a) You Only Live Once

   b) You Only Love Once

   c) You Own Life's Opportunities

7. What does ACLU stand for?

   a) American Civil Liberties Union

   b) Association of Civil Liberties and Unions

   c) Alliance for Civil Liberties and Unions

8. What does SNAFU stand for?

   a) Situation Normal: All Flipped Up

   b) System Neutral: All Fouled Up

   c) Situation Normal: All F*cked Up

9. What does AOC stand for?

   a) American Opportunity Corps

   b) Association of Cities

   c) Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

10. What does EOD stand for?

    a) End of Discussion

    b) End of Day

    c) Every Other Day

11. What does UPS stand for?

    a) United Postal Service

    b) United Parcel Service

    c) Universal Package Shipping

12. What does GMO stand for?

    a) Genetically Modified Organism

    b) Genomic Microbial Organism

    c) Greenhouse Modified Organism

13. What does TGIF stand for?

    a) The Great Invention Friday

    b) The Gathering Is Finally

    c) Thank God It's Friday

14. What does TBA stand for?

    a) To Be Acquired

    b) To Be Agreed

    c) To Be Announced 

15. What does POTUS stand for?

    a) President of the United States

    b) Public Office of the United States

    c) Political Office of the United States

16. What does RBG stand for?

    a) Righteous Bold Guardian

    b) Really Brilliant Girl

    c) Ruth Bader Ginsburg

17. What does DOA stand for?

    a) Dead on Arrival

    b) Departure on Arrival

    c) Declared Out of Action


1. NASA stands for National Aeronautics and Space Administration.

2. Scuba stands for Self-Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus.

3. SPF stands for Sun Protection Factor.

4. CAPTCHA stands for Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart.

5. AWOL stands for Absent Without Leave.

6. YOLO stands for You Only Live Once.

7. ACLU stands for American Civil Liberties Union.

8. Snafu stands for Situation Normal: All F*cked Up, which is sometimes bowdlerized to Situation Normal: All Fouled Up!

9. AOC stands for Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

10. EOD stands for End of Day.

11. UPS stands for United Parcel Service.

12. GMO stands for Genetically Modified Organism.

13. TGIF stands for Thank God It's Friday.

14. TBA stands for To Be Announced.

15. POTUS stands for President of the United States.

16. RBG stands for Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

17. DOA stands for Dead on Arrival.

Now here below are sentences that need acronyms. Fill in the blanks to complete them. Answers are at the end!


1. The location of our next meeting is still ____ , but we will send out an update as soon as possible.

2. ____! It’s time to relax and enjoy the weekend!

3. Born in the Bronx, ____ is a politician and activist known for her progressive stance on social and political issues.

4. ____ has played a crucial role in space exploration and discovery.

5. Buy that nice new motorcycle and take a trip along the coast! ____ ! Enjoy yourself while you can!

6. Learning how to ____ dive has always been a dream of mine. Swimming deep underwater among all the colorful fish must be incredible!

7. The ____ fights for the civil rights and liberties of all individuals.

8. ____ was a trailblazer for women's rights and equality.

9. We need that document by ____ .

10. Sunscreen with an ____ of at least 30 is recommended for adequate protection against harmful UV rays.


1. TBA


3. AOC



6. scuba


8. RBG

9. EOD

10. SPF

Photo by patpitchaya