Vox podcast Longform

Episode 561: Ian Coss

Before you listen to the beginning of this episode, here are the answers to the Connections Spin-Off game from last week:

Places to shop: mall, market, outlet, store

Ways to remove hair: shave, thread, tweeze, wax

Portions of profit: cut, piece, share, take

Now, listen to the first ten minutes of the interview with podcaster Ian Coss. This quiz that follows uses words that come up in the conversation. Answers are at the end of this post.

1/ Ian Coss has a new podcast about America’s most expensive infrastructure project. 

What does infrastructure mean?

A) The physical and organizational structures and facilities needed for the operation of a society, such as transportation, communication, and utilities

B) The financial assets and investments held by a government or business

C) A style of architecture characterized by large, imposing buildings

D) The study of ancient civilizations and their cultural achievements

2/ Ian Coss has another podcast where he talks to people about being divorced. 

What led him to do that?

A) His background in journalism and a passion for investigative reporting

B) A suggestion from his colleagues in the podcasting industry

C) An interest in exploring topics unrelated to personal experiences

D) He realized that all of the guests at his wedding were divorced

3/ Before the interviewer asks his first question, he says, “I understand this is a bit of an oxymoron.”

What’s an oxymoron?

A) A genre of music that blends elements of jazz and hip-hop

B) A type of animal commonly found in North America, known for its distinctive hump

C) A complex mathematical equation with no solution

D) A figure of speech in which two seemingly contradictory or opposite words are combined to create a paradoxical effect

4/ Ian Coss says the project he has followed on his podcast is visionary.

What is an antonym for visionary?

A) Apathetic

B) Pragmatic

C) Innovative

D) Ambitious

5/ He says the infrastructure project came to be known for its cost overruns.

What does this statement tell us about the project’s budget?

A) The project's budget was well-managed and did not exceed the initial estimates.

B) The project experienced difficulties in adhering to the planned budget and exceeded the expected costs.

C) The project's budget was significantly below the anticipated expenses.

D) The project's budget was consistently accurate without any deviations.

6/ Ian Coss says that the project has a cautionary tale.

What does a cautionary tale offer the listener?

A) Entertainment and humor to lighten the mood

B) Practical lessons and warnings to avoid potential pitfalls

C) Detailed information about a specific topic

D) An exploration of cultural and historical anecdotes

7/ The highway project takes place in Boston.

In which state is Boston located?

A) New Hampshire

B) Vermont

C) Massachusetts 

D) South Carolina

8/ The interviewer says that there are generations of people who come in to “shepherd” this public works project.

What does “shepherd” as a verb mean?

A) To engage in a competitive sport involving physical strength

B) To guide or direct a group of people or things, often with care or vigilance

C) To create a piece of art using a variety of materials

D) To investigate and analyze a complex issue in detail

9/ Ian Coss says, “Very few people came out of this unscathed, I would say.”

What does that tell us about the people involved in this public works project?

A) The majority of people involved faced significant challenges or negative consequences.

B) Most individuals emerged from the project unharmed and without difficulties.

C) The project had minimal impact on the well-being of those involved.

D) People involved in the project experienced unexpected benefits and positive outcomes.

10/ Ian Coss says he was surprised that people were “eager” to tell their story about the Big Dig.

Which word is an antonym for eager?

A) Keen

B) Enthusiastic

C) Reluctant 

D) Willing


1/ infrastructure = A) The physical and organizational structures and facilities needed for the operation of a society, such as transportation, communication, and utilities

2/ D) He realized that all of the guests at his wedding were divorced.

3/ oxymoron = D) A figure of speech in which two seemingly contradictory or opposite words are combined to create a paradoxical effect

4/ The opposite of visionary is B) Pragmatic

5/ Cost overruns implies that B) The project experienced difficulties in adhering to the planned budget and exceeded the expected costs.

6/ a cautionary tale = B) Practical lessons and warnings to avoid potential pitfalls

7/ Boston is in C) Massachusetts

8/ shepherd = B) To guide or direct a group of people or things, often with care or vigilance

9/ A) The majority of people involved faced significant challenges or negative consequences.

10/ The opposite of eager is C) Reluctant