Adverbial Clauses of Time

Complete the sentences below with one of the adverbs of time. There may be more than one possible answer. Answers are directly below this quiz.

1/ In the afternoon, she reads a book __________ the children arrive home from school.

a) after  

b) when  

c) until  

d) before  

2/ I'll call you back __________ I finish my meeting.

a) while  

b) as  

c) until  

d) after  

3/ They had dinner __________ they returned from the concert.

a) while  

b) before  

c) when  

d) after  

4/ I always check my emails __________ I start my workday.

a) as  

b) until  

c) before  

d) after  

5/ He likes to go for a run every morning __________ she goes swimming.

a) while  

b) after  

c) when  

d) until  

6/ We'll have lunch together __________ I leave for Morocco.

a) before  

b) when  

c) while  

d) until  

7/ I always brush my teeth __________ I go to bed.

a) as  

b) before  

c) when  

d) after  

8/ She likes to take a walk in the park every evening __________ the sun sets.

a) as  

b) until  

c) when  

d) after  

9/ It wasn’t long __________ he was promoted.

a) when  

b) before  

c) as  

d) while  

10/ The humidity increased __________ the day wore on.

a) before  

b) after  

c) until 

d) as

Answers to the Quiz on Adverbial Clauses of Time:

1. c) until

2. d) after

3. c) when OR d) after

4. c) before (OR a) as if the person is a multitasker)

5. c) while

6. a) before

7. b) before

8. a) as OR d) after

9. b) before

10. d) as

This week's high-level word taken from The Britannica Dictionary is the noun "vestige." Read these sentences to see if you understand the meaning from the context:

1. As the archaeologists excavated the ancient site, they discovered vestiges of a long-lost civilization buried beneath the layers of soil.

2. Despite rapid urbanization, a centuries-old farmhouse, a charming vestige of the town's rural past, remains there.

3. The old crumbling castle was the last vestige of a once-mighty empire.

4. The silicate layer might be a lingering vestige of an ancient ocean of magma that once covered the Red Planet, per the research.

--Will Sullivan, Smithsonian Magazine, 27 Oct. 2023

Here's a quick multiple-choice quiz on the meaning of "vestige":

1. The old mansion was the last vestige of a once-prosperous family.

What does "vestige" mean in this context?

a) New beginning

b) Remaining trace

c) Abundant wealth

d) Modern structure

2. In the vast desert, the explorers stumbled upon a vestige of an ancient oasis. What does "vestige" mean in this context?

a) Lively ecosystem

b) Fossilized remains

c) Evolving landscape

d) Hidden treasure

Answers to the quick quiz on "vestige":

1. b) Remaining trace

2. b) Fossilized remains

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