Here's a challenging fill-in-the-blank quiz about adjectives related to people. Choose from the following list to complete the sentences:

- innovative - hectic - balanced - radiant - meticulous - stoic - profound - exemplary - resilient - rugged

1. She is known for her ____________ personality, as she spreads positivity wherever she goes.

2. Despite his ____________ appearance, he is a surprisingly sensitive and emotional individual.

3. The team was impressed by his ____________ leadership skills during the project.

4. Despite facing several disappointments in the science fair, the ____________ child embraced constructive feedback, tweaked their project, and approached the next attempt with determination.

5. His ____________ coaching style motivates students to excel in their studies.

6. The ____________ gardener transformed the backyard into a vibrant and colorful oasis.

7. During the biking expedition, they faced ____________ terrain but persevered until the end.

8. He maintains a ____________ lifestyle, combining work, fitness, and social engagements.

9. After years of studying ancient philosophy, her knowledge of the field is ____________.

10. Despite his ____________ schedule, he always finds time for his favorite hobbies.

Answers are beneath the Word of the Week!

This week's high-level word taken from The Britannica Dictionary is the verb "vilify." Read these sentences to see if you understand the meaning from the context:

1. The tabloid articles sought to vilify the celebrity, painting an exaggerated and negative image of their personal life.

2. It is unfair to vilify an entire group based on the actions of a few individuals.

3. Instead of engaging in constructive criticism, some politicians choose to vilify their opponents to gain public support.

4. The documentary aimed to shed light on the historical figures and events that were unfairly vilified in the past.

5. Social media can sometimes be a platform where people easily vilify others without considering the consequences of their words.

Here's a quick multiple-choice quiz on the meaning of "vilify":

1. What does the word "vilify" mean?

   a) To praise or commend  

   b) To criticize constructively  

   c) To speak or write about in an abusive and disparaging manner  

   d) To ignore or neglect

2. In which of the following scenarios is "vilify" appropriately used?

   a) Praising someone for their achievements  

   b) Constructively providing feedback  

   c) Painting a negative and exaggerated image of a person  

   d) Ignoring a controversial topic

3. Choose the correct definition for "vilify."

   a) To express admiration  

   b) To condemn harshly  

   c) To overlook faults  

   d) To encourage and support

Answers to the quick quiz on "vilify":

1. c) To speak or write about in an abusively disparaging manner

2. c) Painting a negative and exaggerated image of a person

3. b) To condemn harshly

Answers to the quiz on adjectives related to people:

1. radiant

2. stoic

3. exemplary

4. resilient

5. innovative

6. meticulous

7. rugged

8. balanced

9. profound

10. hectic

Illustration of people by Pand P Studio