These words are used to talk about music, but they can be used in other contexts, too. Review their meanings by matching them with brief definitions, and then take a quiz where you fill in the blanks!


1. coda

2. mellifluous

3. virtuoso

4. forte

5. amplify

6. crescendo


a. having a smooth and pleasant sound, especially when speaking or singing.

b. the concluding part of a musical composition that brings it to an end.

c. a gradual increase in volume or intensity, often used in music.

d. a highly skilled musician or artist, particularly one who excels in technique and performance.

e. a person's strong point or area of expertise; also refers to playing or singing loudly.

f. to make something louder or stronger, both literally and figuratively.

Correct matches:

1. b

2. a

3. d

4. e

5. f

6. c

Use these words now to fill in the blanks in the sentences below:

forte, virtuoso, crescendo, amplify, mellifluous, coda

Hey, have you heard the latest classical piece? The _____(1) at the end is breathtaking!

Yes, I love how the _____(2) ties everything together. It's such a beautiful composition.


Her singing voice is so _____(3), it's like honey to the ears.

I know, she's a true _____(4). Her performance at the concert last night was outstanding.


Can everybody in the audience here me? No? Okay, then. We will _____(5) my voice so you all can hear me clearly.


Cooking is not her _____. That's why she usually orders out.

Correct answers:

1. crescendo

2. coda

3. mellifluous

4. virtuoso

5. amplify

6. forte

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