World Geography and Nationalities + Word of the Week: implacable

Here's a fun geography quiz from Britannica's Quizzes and Games section:

Guess the Countries of the World Quiz

Here's another quiz to practice nationalities. Fill in the blanks with the correct nationality to complete the sentences. 

The answers are at the bottom of this post!

1. The __________ eat baguette almost every day. 

2. Samba is a lively __________ dance.

3. Sumo wrestling is a traditional  __________ sport.

4. Oktoberfest is an annual __________ beer festival.

5. The Great Barrier Reef is a natural wonder off the __________ coast.

6. Matryoshka dolls are a traditional __________ craft.

7. Mariachi music is an integral part of the __________ cultural heritage.

8. Bollywood produces a significant number of __________ films.

9. Ice hockey is a __________ popular sport.

10. __________ come from Laos.

Word of the Week: implacable

Below are some sentences using the word "implacable." Try to guess the meaning based on the context:

1. Despite numerous apologies, her anger remained __________, and she refused to forgive.

2. The judge's __________ determination for justice made him renowned for his impartial decisions.

3. The storm was __________, tearing through the coastal town with relentless force.

4. The detective had an __________ commitment to solving the case, no matter the obstacles.

5. The dictator was known for his __________ pursuit of power, crushing any opposition in his way.

Take a moment to think about the meaning of "implacable" based on these sentences. Once you've come up with your answer, you can compare it to the definitions below!


The word "implacable" refers to something or someone that cannot be appeased, pacified, or changed. It implies relentless determination, usually in the context of opposition, anger, or pursuit. In the sentences provided:

1. "Despite numerous apologies, her anger remained implacable, and she refused to forgive."

   - Here, "implacable" suggests that her anger cannot be calmed or eased, regardless of apologies.

2. "The judge's implacable determination for justice made him renowned for his impartial decisions."

   - In this sentence, "implacable" indicates the judge's unyielding and unwavering commitment to justice.

So, it's about being unrelenting and unchangeable. Can you make a sentence using the word?


  1. French
  2. Brazilian
  3. Japanese
  4. German
  5. Australian
  6. Russian
  7. Mexican
  8. Indian
  9. Canadian
  10. Laotians
Map of the world by chathuporn

Word of the Week: The Britannica Dictionary