Countdown to Halloween Quiz + Word of the Week: ignominy


People are starting to think about Halloween, or Hallowe'en, as it once was spelled. They're deciding what costume they'll wear, they're planning parties, they're carving pumpkins into jack-o'-lanterns. Let's get ready for this holiday by brushing up on its history with a quiz:

Below are some sentences using the word "ignominy." Try to guess the meaning based on the context. 

1. After the scandal, the politician faced public ignominy and had to resign from office.

2. The team's defeat in the championship was an ignominy they couldn't easily forget.

3. Being caught cheating on the exam brought a sense of ignominy to the student, tarnishing their academic reputation.

4. The once-respected business tycoon now lives in ignominy, having been convicted of fraud.

5. His dishonest actions led to the ignominy of being disbarred from practicing law.

Based on the above, what does ignominy mean?

A) Great achievement or success  
B) Public shame or disgrace  
C) Generosity and kindness  
D) Intellectual brilliance and innovation  

Now can you make a sentence with this word? 

Word of the Week: The Britannica Dictionary

Haunted House image by creativeralph