Countdown to Halloween Quiz Part 2 + Word of the Week: hypothesis


For more details about questions and answers to the quiz, see below the Word of the Week section!

Word of the Week
Below are some sentences that use the word "hypothesis." Try to guess the meaning based on the context.

1. Scientists formulated a hypothesis to explain the unusual behavior of the newly discovered species.
2. Before conducting the experiment, the researchers developed a hypothesis to predict the outcome.

3. In the field of astronomy, a hypothesis was proposed to explain the peculiar movements of the celestial bodies.

4. The detective had a hypothesis about the motive behind the crime, which guided the investigation.

5. As part of the scientific method, students were asked to create a hypothesis before conducting their experiments.

What does the term "hypothesis" mean?

A) A proven scientific fact  
B) A tentative explanation or educated guess based on observations  
C) A mathematical equation  
D) A historical event or occurrence  

Now can you use the word in a sentence?

Here's more information about the origins of Halloween, Samhain (which is pronounced like this), and Jack-o'-lanterns:

Samhain has its roots in Celtic traditions and is celebrated from October 31st to November 1st, marking the end of the harvest season.

Samhain holds spiritual significance in Celtic beliefs as a time when the veil between the living and the spirit world is thin, marking the transition to the darker half of the year.

Many Halloween traditions, such as costumes and the concept of spirits roaming the earth, have roots in Samhain, demonstrating a historical connection between the two celebrations.

The name "Jack-o'-lantern" is believed to come from an Irish folktale about a man named Jack who, after his death, was said to roam with a lantern made from a carved turnip.

Before pumpkins became widely available, people in Ireland and Scotland carved turnips or other root vegetables to create lanterns during the Halloween season.

Jack-o'-lantern picture by Teri Virbickis

Word of the Week: The Britannica Dictionary