Build Vocabulary with The New York Times

 Vocabulary Building

People often tell me they want to expand their vocabulary. Recently, a few have been more specific: they want to expand their active vocabulary. That's a helpful distinction to make! There are words that we hear or read and understand, but rarely or never utter. If we encounter such a word, we can challenge ourselves to use it at least once in the coming week. This is just one way to build vocabulary. 

There are many more techniques. Can you think of one of your favorites?

In this week's blog post, I'm linking to an article in the section of The New York Times called The Learning Network. It has a lot of fun and engaging activities that educators can use in the classroom or at tutoring sessions, and it's all free. You might recognize some of the exercises. You may have taken a Vocabulary in Context quiz at my behest, for example.

Skim through this article and read the tips in bold. See if one of them resonates with you, and try doing that this week to expand your vocabulary.

14 Ways to Learn Vocabulary and Explore Language with The New York Times

Photo: InTellIGentFan