Precious metal idioms, proverbs, and expressions; future perfect tense; nettle

 Idioms, Proverbs, & Expressions:

Here is a quiz with idioms, proverbs, and expressions featuring precious metals. Fill in the blanks to complete the sentences. The answers are at the bottom of the post!

Precious metals: gold, silver, copper, platinum

1/ She said at the meeting that there is no _______________ bullet for the thorny problem.

2/ The _______________-bottomed business plan is sure to succeed! (British, informal)

3/ Some claim that every cloud has a _______________ lining. In other words, you can always find a ray of hope, even in the worst situations.

4/ Salt-N-Pepa was the first female rap group to go _______________.

5/ All that glitters is not _______________.


The future perfect tense is used to explain when some activity will be completed by a certain time in the future. To form it, you combine WILL + HAVE + PAST PARTICIPLE of the verb.

Oh, let's just go! The rain will have stopped by the time we get to the park. (= The rain will stop before we get to the park.)

I imagine the party will have ended before midnight. (= I imagine the party will end by midnight.)

Practice the future perfect by completing these sentences. The answers are at the end of this post!

Here are the verbs: -- spend -- run -- write -- read -- reach -- 

1/ Laura ____________________ the entire book cover to cover within two days.

2/ Before you know it, Teddy ____________________ three marathons.

3/ If our business is profitable this year, then we ____________________ our goal.

4/ They're confident they ____________________ the first draft of the report by Friday.

5/ By the time we arrive in California, we ____________________ three weeks on the road.

Do you want more practice? Here is a future perfect exercise at Perfect English Grammar.

Enrich your vocabulary | TOEFL words: nettle (verb)

If you read the entry at Merriam-Webster you'll discover that this verb, which means to vex or aggravate, comes from the name of a plant that irritates your skin if you come into contact with it.

Questions about alternative facts and relative truths have been nettling me for decades.

---Errol Morris, Time, 22 May 2018

What nettles you?

The Britannica Dictionary: 100 Essential Words for the TOEFL

Answers to precious metals idioms, proverbs, and expressions quiz:

1/ She said at the meeting that there is no silver bullet for the thorny problem.

2/ Their copper-bottomed business plan is sure to succeed! (British, informal)

3/ Some claim that every cloud has a silver lining. In other words, you can always find a ray of hope, even in the worst situations.

4/ Salt-N-Pepa was the first female rap group to go platinum.

5/ All that glitters is not gold.

Answers to the future perfect exercises:

1/ Laura will have read the entire book cover to cover within two days.

2/ Before you know it, Teddy will have run three marathons.

3/ If our business is profitable this year, then we will have reached our goal.

4/ They're confident they will have written the first draft of the report by Friday.

5/ By the time we arrive in California, we will have spent three weeks on the road.